Dr. Carlos Protzel, LCSW, PsyD
Dr. Protzel has over 15 years of experience providing psychotherapy to individual, group, family, and couple clients. Assessment and testing experience has been with forensic and outpatient therapy clients.
Dr. Protzel earned his Bachelor's in Psychology at California State University, Long Beach in 1995. During this period he studied Cognitive-Behavioral theory and interventions. In 1999, Dr. Protzel earned his Masters in Social Work at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor campus. Family, group, and individual therapy with adults were the main focus of study during this period. In 2005, Carlos began work on his doctorate in psychology (PsyD) at California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) at Alliant International University. During this period, Dr. Protzel researched ways in which to integrate music into the therapy process, psychological assessment, and individual, group, family, and couples therapy with adults
Professional Experience
Charis Youth Center - Hayward, CA 1995-1997
Keweenaw Academy Youth Treatment Facility Mohawk, MI 1997-1998
Family Consultation and Treatment Center Detroit, MI 1998-1999
Eastwood Outpatient Mental Health Clinic Detroit, MI 1999-2000
Bureau of Juvenile Justice - State of Michigan, W.J. Maxey Training School Whitmore Lake, MI 2000-2005
Passages Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center Malibu, CA 2006-present
Kaiser Permanente Hospital Department of Psychiatry Lomita, CA 2006-2007
Sexual Recovery Institute Beverly Hills, CA 2007-2008
California State University Dominguez Hills, Psychological Services Carson, CA 2008-2009
Private practice at Family Resource Counseling Center 2009-present
California State University, Fullerton 2009-2010
Professional Affiliations
American Psychological Association
Los Angeles County Psychological Assocation
California Psychology Association
National Association of Social Workers
Photographer: Kristin Kirkley
Musician: Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews
Festival: Telluride Blues & Brews Festival, 2012